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Many patients require help to recover after a heart attack, heart surgery or heart disease. Our team of cardiac & pulmonary rehabilitation therapists help you regain a healthy and energetic lifestyle to lower your risk for future heart complications.

Baton Rouge General’s 12-week cardiac reconditioning program includes:

  • Tailored exercise routines using walking, cycling and other cardiovascular activities that will help strengthen your heart. Sessions are customized for your fitness level and your therapist will ensure you are always safely and properly exercising.
  • A healthy eating plan developed by registered dietitians who will work with you to ensure your diet plan fits your lifestyle. They will also motivate you, track your progress and help you find ways to continue your progress.
  • Emotional support from our therapists who understand that dealing with heart disease can sometimes cause depression, fear, anxiety or stress. Our trained counselors will help you and your family cope with these feelings and find comfort in your new, healthy lifestyle.

Click here to learn more about the Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab program.

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