Patient Rights & Privacy
Baton Rouge General HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
Baton Rouge General Physicians HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
You have the right to access healthcare which includes:
- Receiving treatment without discrimination as to age, race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, diagnosis, ability to pay, source of payment or sexual orientation.
- Receiving treatment for any emergency medical condition regardless of ability to pay.
- Being given a complete explanation if there is a need for you to be transferred to another facility, the alternatives to such a transfer, and the identity of the accepting physician at the accepting facility.
- Access to protective services, either for yourself, your child or any member of your family, who is a patient in our hospital. The Social Worker will assist you in making contact with such community resources.
- Information for Medicare admitted patients regarding beneficiary discharge rights, notice of non-coverage and the right to appeal premature discharge.
- Knowing about hospital resources that are available to you.
- Pastoral Care: (225) 387-7742
- Social Work: (225) 387-7738
You have the right to participate in your care which includes:
- Development, implementation and revision of your plan of care. This includes treatment plans, discharge plans and pain management plans. The hospital will assist in arranging for required follow-up care after discharge as needed.
- Having interpretive and translation services as needed. The hospital will communicate with you if you have vision, speech, hearing or cognitive impairments in a manner that meets your needs.
- Having a family member or representative of your choice and your physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.
- Being informed about and participating in decisions regarding your care; to include a surrogate decision maker in the decision making when you are unable to make decisions for your care, treatment or services. This information shall include the possible risks, burdens and benefits of the procedure or treatment. This information will be given to you in a language and words that you understand.
- The right to give or withhold informed consent as permitted by law. The effects of refusing treatment will be explained to you. Therefore, you will be able to make an informed decision regarding your care. This includes respecting the surrogate decision maker’s right to refuse care, treatment and services on behalf of you when you are unable to make decisions for your care, treatment or services.
- Consent to or decline to participate in research, investigation and clinical trials.
- Requesting a second opinion regarding any treatment. If your insurance does not cover this cost, you will be responsible for payment.
- The right to prepare advance directives and have clinic staff follow those directives.
- Discussing resuscitative measures with your physician and formulating or revising your Advance Medical Directive (living will or healthcare power of attorney). These documents express your choices about life-prolonging procedures or name someone to make decisions if you are unable to speak for yourself. The hospital will follow your Advance Medical Directive.
- Requesting a consultation from the Ethics Committee for help with difficult medical decisions.
- Ethics Representative: (225) 387-7742
- Request family member, friend or other individual to be present with you for emotional support during the course of your stay unless medically contraindicated.
- Expressing concerns or asking questions about care or service.
- Patient Experience Department: (225) 387-7911 or (225) 763-4272
You have the right to information regarding your care which includes:
- Knowing the name and the roles of the people treating you.
- Being informed of your health status, diagnosis and prognosis. This includes being informed about any continuing health care requirements after discharge.
- Knowing about hospital billing policies that affect your charges and payment options.
- You may request an explanation of your bill by calling Patient Financial Services at (225) 819-1000.
- Being informed about unanticipated outcomes of care (sentinel event).
- Lodging a concern or grievance about care or service.
- Patient Experience Department: (225) 387-7911 or (225) 763-4272
- Receiving a written response to your grievance within 7-10 days.
- Lodging a grievance with the licensing agency and/or accrediting agency for our facilities:
- The licensing agency for our facilities is:
- Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals,
Health Standards Section, PO Box 3767, Baton Rouge, LA. 70821
(225) 342-0138, toll free (866) 280-7737
- Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals,
- The accrediting agency for our facilities is:
- The Joint Commission Office of Quality and Patient Safety. Concerns may be reported, in writing, at, using the "Report a Patient Safety Event" link in the "Action Center" on the home page; by fax to 630-792-5636; or mail to Office of Quality and Patient Safety, The Joint Commission, One Renaissance Blvd, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181.
- The licensing agency for our facilities is:
- Knowing about clinic billing policies that affect your charges and payment options. For questions regarding your bill or to pay your bill:
- (225) 819-1000,
You have the right to maintain your dignity which includes:
- Receiving considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment.
- Privacy and confidentiality during consultation, examination, personal hygiene activities, treatments and discussions concerning your diagnosis and treatment. Your treatment records are confidential unless you have given permission to release information or reporting is required by law. You may review your medical record upon request.
- Being free from neglect, exploitation and abuse.
- Respect for your dignity and worth regardless of your diagnosis.
- Being free from restraints that are not medically necessary.
- Access to religious and/or spiritual services and support.
Your responsibilities as a patient are to:
- The best of your knowledge, provide accurate and complete information about present and past medical conditions.
- Ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
- Follow the treatment plan recommended by the physician or to inform your doctor if you believe you cannot follow through with your treatment.
- Notify the physician or nurse of any unexpected changes in your condition.
- Be considerate and respectful of the rights and needs of other patients and healthcare workers. This includes being sensitive to noise level, being respectful of others' property, limiting the number of visitors and abiding by the smoke-free environment.
- Provide the hospital with a copy of your most current Advance Medical Directive if you have one.
- Provide the clinic with your most current Advance Medical Directive if you have one.
- Assure that financial obligations of your healthcare are fulfilled.
- Follow the hospital policies regarding patient care and conduct.
- Remain on the nursing unit unless the physician writes a specific order otherwise, or you are escorted/transported by a hospital staff member to another department to receive medical care.
Our Mission
We will preserve and restore health, one person at a time.