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Host a Tour

Join Baton Rouge General’s Foundation for a behind-the-scenes tour of the hospital. The tour gives visitors an inside view of our community hospital, with stops on several units, Emergency Department, Cardiac Catheterization Lab, Regional Burn Center, Baton Rouge General Cancer Center, and more.

Along the way, staff members discuss state-of-the-art technology, and patients and family members share personal stories about their experience at Baton Rouge General.

Reach out to the foundation team at foundation@brgeneral.org if you would like to attend one of our tours with up to 10 guests. We will contact you to schedule a convenient time.


Become an Ambassador

Baton Rouge General Foundation is fortunate to have the support of an outstanding volunteer staff who contribute their time and talents for the benefit of our hospital and Foundation. Without them, we could not fulfill our mission of caring for our community. Foundation volunteers help with numerous events and campaigns, including coordination, logistics, promotion, recruiting and assisting staff in various capacities.

If you are interested in volunteering with the Baton Rouge General Foundation, please call (225) 763-4372 or email Foundation@BRGeneral.org.


Donate Blood

LifeShare is the sole provider of blood services for Baton Rouge General and we encourage you to consider donating through this amazing organization. As the home of South Louisiana's only verified Burn Center, where many burn patients require large amounts of blood, LifeShare's supply is critical to the lives of many of our patients. And unlike other blood service organizations, 100% of LifeShare's collection goes to support people right here in our own community.

You can donate blood at LifeShare's office, located at 3849 North Boulevard, or request them to come to you.

To schedule a blood drive with LifeShare for your work, church or other organization or to learn more about donating, please call (225) 383-7728.

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