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William Carey

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Program of Study

The RN-to-BSN program requires successful completion of 66 hours of prerequisite and core courses and 27 hours of nursing course work. The remaining 27 hours are awarded as credit by merit of RN licensure.

The following nursing courses are required to be completed with a grade of C or higher in each course. A grade of D or F in any two clinical courses or any clinical course twice deems the student ineligible to continue in the nursing major. A grade of D or F in any two non-clinical courses or in the same non-clinical course twice will deem the student ineligible to continue in the nursing major.

Clinical experiences will be arranged by the student at their preferred location as long as a clinical contract is in place prior to the start of the clinical experience.

Fall Admission, Full-time Status

*Will vary based on term of admission and full-time vs. part-time status. Please contact us for more information.

Fall Trimester


NRN 345: Intro to Baccalaureate Nursing 3
NRN 347: Intro Professional Writing and Informatics for RNs 2
NRN 332: Pathophysiology for RNs 2

Winter Trimester

NRN 425: Managing Health Care for RNs 3
NRN 346: Applied Assessment and Health Promotion for RNs 4

Spring Trimester

NRN 461: The Role of the RN in Interdisciplinary Teams 2
NUR 330: Community Service or NUR General Elective 2

Summer Trimester

NRN 432: Community Nursing for RNs 3
NUR 460: Evidence-Based Practice for RNs (If you have taken statistics) 2
NUR 462: Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing 4

Total Credit Hours

