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William Carey

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How to Apply

In order to be considered for the Pre-licensure BSN program, you must first apply for undergraduate admission to William Carey University. All applicants must:

  • Complete the Application for Undergraduate Admissions
  • Pay a $40 non-refundable application fee at the time of application
  • Send proof of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunizations (must have had two MMR shots in your lifetime) - Instructions for sending will be sent in your application email confirmation
  • Evidence of Health Status Requirements will be required before program entry.

Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email notification with your application status from Admissions@wmcarey.edu.

TEAS Testing

Prospective students are required to take the ATI TEAS exam (v.7) before being accepted to the BSN program. The TEAS can be taken a total of three times at 30-day intervals. We currently offer the TEAS entrance exam monthly at our teaching site at Baton Rouge General Mid City. Students must meet with a faculty advisor for transcript review and be cleared in order to register for the TEAS. Faculty advisors will provide students with the information regarding TEAS registration once they are cleared to register.

Contact the School of Nursing at (225) 953-7017 or batonrouge@wmcarey.edu to schedule an appointment with a faculty advisor. The exam fee is $80 payable to the Business Office.

School of Nursing Application & TEAS Deadlines

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, beginning six months prior to the desired admission term; but we strongly encourage applications be submitted by the following dates:

  • Fall Admission – April 15
  • Spring Admission – October 15


  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 on the courses that count toward the BSN degree (including repeated courses)
  • Any student with two failures (D or F) in the same or a combination of science courses is not eligible for admission unless they meet the minimum required score on the ATI TEAS examination (see pre-icensure BSN admission information) and score at or above the BSN program mean on the science subscore of the ATI TEAS exam. This rule pertains to BIO 234, BIO 235, BIO 260, CHE 101, and HEA 240.


Candidates applying for admission are required to have completed specific prerequisite college credit courses. Listed below are the prerequisite courses and grade requirements.

All of the following courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher prior to beginning the nursing program:


Credit Hours

ENG 101: Composition 3
ENG 102: Research/Composition 3
MAT 131: College Algebra 3
COM 101: Public Speaking (or COM 202) 3
PSY 201: General Psychology 3
PSY 205: Developmental Psychology 3
SOC 101: Intro Sociology 3
BIO 234: Anatomy/Physiology I 4
BIO 235: Anatomy/Physiology II 4
BIO 260: General Microbiology 4
HEA 240: Nutrition/Diet Therapy 3
CHE 101: General Chemistry I 4
PSY 351: Psychology Statistics (or MAT 270 or BUS 216) 3
NUR 102: The Art & Science of Nursing 2
NUR 104: Nursing Pharmacology 3
NUR 105: Dosage Calculation for Nurses 1
NUR 307: Pathophysiology  

Total Credit Hours


The following courses are required prior to admission with a grade of C or higher in each course:


Credit Hours

REL 101: Introduction to Old Testament 3
REL 102: Introduction to New Testament 3
Literature 3
HIS 101 OR 201: World or US History* 
*Must be I and II of same history
HIS 102 OR 202: World or US History* 
*Must be I and II of same history
Fine Arts (Music, Art, or Theatre) 3
Physical Education* 
*One military science fulfills one hour of PED. HEA 300 may be substituted

Total Credit Hours

