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Pastoral Services

It is understandable to experience stress, anxiety, fear or grief when you are affected by illness or injury, either your own or that of a loved one. For many patients, spiritual and emotional support is an important part of healing. The chaplains in our Pastoral Care department represent a variety of religious faiths and are specially trained in hospital ministry. Through compassionate care and counseling, they can help provide peace and comfort to patients and their families during times of crisis.

Services Provided:

  • Sacramental requests, including Holy Communion, Baptism or Anointing of the Sick
  • Emotional support during medical or surgical treatment
  • Grief counseling, especially when one experiences frustration, anger or sadness
  • Information about local religious congregations

How to Request Services

Our chaplains visit each hospitalized patient within 24 hours of admission and will initiate follow-up visits as needed. They are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.

To request services or for more information, call (225) 387-7742 or call the hospital operator at (225) 763-4000 and ask for the chaplain on call. You can also email us at PastoralCare@BRGeneral.org.


Chapels, suitable for private prayer and reflection, are located on both our Bluebonnet and Mid City campuses, and interfaith worship services are available. Catholic Mass is celebrated every Sunday and at least once during the week.

Bluebonnet Chapel

To access the chapel at Bluebonnet, use Entrance 3. Veer right past the information desk and turn right down the hallway before you reach the Gift Shop. The chapel is on your right.

Weekly Mass Schedule

11:00 a.m. every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Holy Days of Obligation

Mid City Chapel

To access the chapel at Mid City, use the Main Entrance. Take your first left before you reach the Gift Tree. The chapel is on your left.

Weekly Mass Schedule

9:30 a.m. every Sunday and 9 a.m. every Monday