School Partnerships
We take great pride in being a locally led, locally based, and locally staffed organization in the Baton Rouge area for over 120 years, and for us to continue to succeed, we have to train the professionals of the future.
From technology and billing to physicians and nurses, there’s a role for everyone at Baton Rouge General. With a strong foundation in the fundamentals and exposure to science and medicine at an early age, we believe we can highlight the opportunities in healthcare and foster student interest throughout their school careers - helping to identify and train future professionals who live in and love Baton Rouge.
Why does Baton Rouge General partner with local schools?
- To build community relationships
- To develop a pipeline of future healthcare workers
- To provide support to neighborhood schools
- To provide volunteer opportunities for staff
How do we work with each school?
Our work with local schools falls into one of three areas of focus:
- Curriculum support
- Healthcare exposure
- Wellness programs
Local School Partners
A medical Focus Choice school, exposing students to in-classroom STEM-related curriculum, hospital tours, wellness activities, plus professional development. Learn more.
Health screenings, wellness program and community-based initiatives for students and faculty.
Career series speakers with Big Buddy.
A medical Focus Choice school, exposing students to in-classroom STEM related curriculum, hospital tours, wellness activities, plus professional development for faculty. Learn More.