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BATON ROUGE, La. - The Baton Rouge General Foundation recently announced three new members to its Board of Governors – Rachel DiResto, William “Billy” Leach and Oma Moore – each elected to serve a three-year term.

Rachel DiResto serves as managing director at Emergent Method where she leads several strategic communication, organizational planning, public outreach, stakeholder engagement, and community planning projects. Named a 2024 Influential Woman in Business by the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, DiResto also sits on the board of the Arts Council of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Green, and Baton Rouge Gallery.

Billy Leach, attorney at law, leads Professional Title of Louisiana, which has offices in both Baton Rouge and Denham Springs and has served the community for nearly 50 years. Leach has built a strong network throughout Livingston, East Baton Rouge, Ascension and the surrounding parishes. He has served on the board for the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce and has been involved with the Denham Springs Kiwanis Club.

Oma Moore will serve as the new president of the BRG Volunteer Auxiliary, after serving as vice president for two years. Moore spent over 30 years as a high school counselor, first in Rockford, Ill., then in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. She has volunteered at BRG since August 2020, serving primarily in the surgery waiting area and in BRG’s Center for Health.

The three new members join the current BRG Foundation Board of Governors:

  • Kathy Victorian, Chair - Healthy Blue
  • Jim Purgerson, Vice Chair - Citizens Bank & Trust
  • Lucie Kantrow, Secretary - Bernhard Capital
  • Meg Mahoney, Treasurer - ExxonMobil
  • Leslie Berg - Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry
  • Rick Bond - Past Chair, Bond Construction Co. LLC
  • Trey Godfrey – Baton Rouge Area Chamber
  • Mark Goodson - CSRS Inc.
  • Shane Kirkpatrick - GROUP Contractors
  • Mimi Singer Lee, PhD – EFCU Financial
  • Dr. Vasudev Tati – Hospital Medicine Group
  • Jordan Tremblay - Shell
  • Eric Waechter - Merrill Lynch
  • Kendall Johnson, ex officio member - BRG Chief Financial Officer
  • Edgardo Tenreiro, ex officio member - BRG President and CEO

For more information on BRG’s Foundation, click here.

About Baton Rouge General Medical Center 
Baton Rouge General Medical Center is the area’s first community hospital with over 600 licensed beds between three campuses. Baton Rouge General opened its doors in 1900, and has provided the Greater Baton Rouge community with high-quality healthcare for generations. An accredited teaching hospital since 1991, Baton Rouge General is affiliated with several medical school programs, and offers other medical education programs, including a School of Nursing, School of Radiologic Technology, Family Medicine Residency Program, Internal Medicine Residency Program, and Sports Medicine Fellowship Program. For more information, visit BRGeneral.org, find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/BatonRougeGeneral and follow us on Twitter @BRGeneral and Instagram @batonrougegeneral.

Baton Rouge General

Year 2025