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Nursing is one of the most popular jobs in healthcare and can offer a lot of flexibility, from your daily schedule, to the type of nursing you want to do. There are many career paths that you can choose from but how do you know which one is right for you?

Before you can decide which area is best suited for you, ask yourself a few questions:

Do you want to be challenged?

Operating room, emergency room and critical care nurses must be confident in their skills and be ready to face challenges sometimes alone or with other members of their team. They often care for the sickest of patients and bring years of experience in dealing with life-or-death situations.

Do you have a desire to teach?

The next generation of nurses must be taught. If you are interested in teaching, you may be a good fit for a faculty position at a university or college which most require a master’s degree or as an RN educator within a hospital setting.

Would you like to work in an office environment?

Working in a physician’s office, school, church or even a correctional facility provides you with a routine schedule and the opportunity to build relationships with regularly seen patients.

Do you like working with a certain age group?

If you enjoy working with children, newborns, or the elderly. Consider working on one of these units in a hospital or medical clinic.

Do you want to explore the non-patient care side?

Did you learn during clinical that being a bedside nurse may not be the right job for you? Working in hospital administration, psychiatric nursing, legal nursing, or with a medical insurance company allows you to use your degree while not requiring much, if any, hands-on patient care.

Whatever your nursing preference is, Baton Rouge General has a spot for you! Call or text Melissa today at (985) 606-9061 to discover what might be the best fit for you.

Baton Rouge General

Year 2022