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It’s supposed to be the happ-happiest time of the year. But if all the shopping, spending, eating and doing tends to bring out your inner Scrooge, you’ve probably “leaned in” a little too far. Here are some tips to get you back on track.

  1. Remember the reason for the season

    The holidays are about spending time with loved ones, so focus less on giving gifts and more on creating special memories.
  2. Be kind to yourself

    Set realistic expectations about your time, finances, and how many extra activities you can juggle. No one expects you, your home, the gifts you give or your Christmas cards to be perfect, so go easy on yourself. And if you don’t get to one or more of the above, it’s okay!
  3. Say cheese

    Smile… like right now, turn the corners of your mouth up. You feel better, don’t you? Every time you flash those pearly whites, feel-good chemicals – endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin – are released, relaxing your body and lowering your blood pressure. Never underestimate the power of a good smile and hearty laugh to turn your mood around.
  4. Eat right & exercise

    Eating right and exercising are easy to put off during the busiest time of the year. But that’s the exact opposite of what you should do. When you’re making your list, leave 30 minutes for exercise every day. Whether it’s a jog, Yoga class or playing hide and seek with your kids, prioritize getting your heart rate up once a day. And if you if know you’re going to a party one night, eat healthy all day and even a small healthy meal beforehand so you don’t show up with a big appetite.
  5. Put your phone away

    Forget about the capturing the perfect selfie when you’re at a party. Instead, focus on the people around you and the memories you’re making.

Baton Rouge General

Year 2021