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Fish is one of the healthiest foods out there. Not only is it loaded with important nutrients like protein, Vitamin D and selenium, it is an incredible source of Omega 3 fatty acids. From lowering blood pressure to boosting brain function and reducing risk of chronic disease, the science-backed benefits of Omega 3’s are plentiful. However, our bodies don’t produce these fatty acids so it’s important we add them to our diet. Fatty fish like Mackerel, lake Trout, Herring, Bluefin Tuna, Salmon and canned Sardines pack the highest omega-3 punch.

But not all fish are created equal. Shark, King Mackerel, Marlin, Swordfish, Tilefish and bigeye Tuna contain high levels of mercury which you’ll want to avoid. Something else to consider when purchasing fish is choosing wild-caught rather than farm-raised fish because they have more Omega 3’s and are less likely to be contaminated.

Dietitian April Melancon recommends two 3.5 ounce servings of fish every week. Remember, the cooking method and length of cooking time can affect the nutrition profile of your fish. The healthiest cooking methods limit the loss of omega-3 fats and retain the most nutrients. This means baking, steaming or poaching your fish is the best bet and deep-frying is not the healthiest option.

April MelanconApril Melancon, Clinic Nutritionist

Baton Rouge General Health & Wellness Center

(225) 819-1175

Baton Rouge General

Year 2020