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Baton Rouge, La. – Quota International recently presented Baton Rouge General’s Birth Center with 70 Infant Starter Kits to provide new moms with some of the items they need in their first days at home. Each kit includes an infant blanket and two one-piece baby outfits.

“Welcoming a new baby into the family should be a time of pure joy, but it can be stressful and expensive to buy all the items new babies need,” said Robin Passman, Director of Specialty Care Services. “This donation will be a big help to a lot of people.”

Birth Center teamBirth Center team

The Birth Center team with the infant starter kits donated by Quota International.

Studies show that parents greatly underestimate the cost of the first year of a baby’s life, expecting to spend $5,000 or less. In reality, potential costs range between $20,000 and $50,000 for the first year alone. Quota International of Baton Rouge is an organization of professional and business women who raise funds and provide support to local healthcare and education initiatives.

About Baton Rouge General Medical Center

Baton Rouge General Medical Center is the area’s first community hospital with 588 licensed beds between two campuses. Baton Rouge General opened its doors in 1900, and has provided the Greater Baton Rouge community with high-quality healthcare for generations. An accredited teaching hospital since 1991, Baton Rouge General serves as a satellite campus of Tulane University School of Medicine, and offers other medical education programs, including a School of Nursing, School of Radiologic Technology, Family Medicine Residency Program, Internal Medicine Residency Program, and Sports Medicine Fellowship Program. For more information, visit BRGeneral.org, find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/BatonRougeGeneral and follow us on Twitter at @BRGeneral.

Baton Rouge General

Year 2018