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Camp Catahoula Counselor FAQ

What are counselor responsibilities?

  • Counselors are responsible for caring for campers at all times, ensuring campers are where they need to be at all times and ensuring campers follow their shower schedule each night. If you need to leave your campers, please make sure other staff members are aware and that someone else is with your assigned campers.
  • Counselors are responsible for coordinating camper activities, including setup and break down and are required to support other camp staff as needed.

Will counselors be caring for the campers alone?

There will be two counselors assigned to a cabin of five to six campers with other support staff that will assist, if needed.

What is the age range of the campers?

Campers range in age from five to 17 years old and will be grouped together by age for most activities. Campers who are 17 will be assigned as Junior Counselors and will assist with younger campers as needed.

What is the daily camp schedule?

  • 8 a.m. - Wakeup call
  • 8:30 a.m. - Breakfast
  • Morning - Games, activities, crafts
  • Noon - Lunch
  • Afternoon - Games, activities, crafts, swimming
  • Evening - Shower, dinner, night-time game/activity
  • Night - Midnight snack, wind down & lights-out. Lights-out time will be dependent on counselor.

What should counselors pack?

  • Seven changes of clothes - We recommend full coverage, comfortable/outdoor clothing, with no inappropriate language or graphics.
  • Full coverage swimming suit
  • Pajamas
  • Sneakers/water shoes
  • Toiletries - Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, brush/comb, hair products
  • Towels - Please bring two labeled towels and washcloths
  • Twin XL bed sheets or sleeping bag
  • Pillow and blanket for the bus ride
  • Snacks and drinks

Will transportation be available?

Counselors can drive their own cars or can travel on the bus with the campers. Please contact Please contact if you plan to ride the bus for detailed travel information.

What are the sleeping accommodations?

Counselors are required to sleep in the cabin with the campers. Support staff will stay in the lodge.

Will counselors have private bathrooms?

There are private bathrooms in each room/cabin as well as community-style restrooms in the lodge/dining hall.

Can clothes be washed, if needed?

A washer and dryer are available for use in the lodge with detergent provided.

Do counselors need to bring money?

Everything at camp has been provided by donations and is free of charge to all campers and staff. However, there is a nightly grocery store run, and if you need any personal items, you are welcome to request items.

Are swim shoes and sunscreen needed?

Swim shoes are recommended, and sunscreen will be provided.

Can counselors leave the campsite?

Counselors are allowed to leave the campsite, but you must notify another counselor to care for your campers.

What is the alcohol/smoking policy?

Drinking is not allowed. Smoking is permitted but counselors cannot smoke near the campsite or campers.

Is there a nurse or someone on staff to provide medical attention if needed?

There is a camp nurse and multiple first responders available at all times.