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How to Stay Calm When Working Under Pressure as a Nurse

  • Category: Careers
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  • Written By: Baton Rouge General
How to Stay Calm When Working Under Pressure as a Nurse

Nursing is a highly rewarding career, but it also comes with intense pressure and stressful situations. Whether it’s handling emergencies, balancing patient loads, or managing administrative tasks, staying calm under pressure is crucial for success. According to one study, nearly half of all nurses report moderate to high-level stress. However, stress is manageable, and we’ve put together some tips to handle high-pressure situations that you will most likely face.

Build a Strong Support System

A nursing team that works together can lighten the load and create a more manageable work environment. You can learn a lot from your fellow nurses and using this shared knowledge will improve your problem-solving abilities when caring for patients in stressful situations. Share your concerns, ask for help when needed, and offer support in return.

Look Calm

Even when you're feeling stressed, maintaining a calm exterior will have an impact on your patients and the chaos that may be going on around you. By projecting calmness, you not only reassure patients, but you can also help yourself feel more in control. Sometimes "acting calm" can lead to feeling calm.

Mentally Prepare for the Unexpected

Emergencies and unexpected situations are common in nursing. Mentally preparing for the unexpected by reviewing protocols and scenarios can reduce the shock when these events arise. Familiarity with protocols not only saves time but also prevents hesitation during critical moments, allowing you to act swiftly and confidently. Anticipating complications and staying adaptable helps you remain calm and efficient under pressure.

Working under pressure is part of a nurse's daily routine, but with the right strategies, you can navigate even the most challenging shifts. At Baton Rouge General we make sure our team of dedicated nurses achieve a balance in every stage of life with flexible shifts, great benefits, and customizable staffing options. Call or text a recruiter today at a 985-606-9061 to learn more about our current nursing opportunities.