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The Role of Nurses in Preventing Medical Errors

  • Category: Careers
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  • Written By: Baton Rouge General
The Role of Nurses in Preventing Medical Errors

Nursing is a challenging profession that requires precision, compassion and continuous learning. Here are some preventive strategies nurses can use to minimize the risk of medical errors.

Proper Documentation

Documentation errors include incomplete or inaccurate information on a patient’s history, medications or instructions for care. This typically occurs when a nurse feels rushed, does not understand the information or does not take the time to fully complete the document. Documentation can be incredibly time consuming; the key is to stay organized. Develop a system for keeping track of things that occur with your patients throughout the day and avoid pre-charting. When you chart ahead of time, you may not have time later to correct information that’s changed over the course of your shift.

Prevent Patient Falls

Between 700,000 and 1 million people fall each year in hospitals, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. It is the most common adverse event reported in hospitals and almost a third of these falls are preventable. While most nurses do their part to minimize the risk of patient falls, it is important to remember to check on patients regularly, assist those with mobility issues and places items patients need (like the call button) close to their bedside.

Infection Control

Nurses play a key role in preventing healthcare-associated infection. Infections can occur when a nurse ignores hygiene protocols, practices inadequate sterilization and improperly uses personal protective equipment. Be sure to follow all standard precautions and ask questions about procedures if you are unfamiliar.

Ask for Help

Failing to seek assistance when needed can lead to mistakes and compromise patient safety. Fear of judgment, desire to appear competent, and overconfidence can lead to errors in patient care. Prioritizing patient welfare means prioritizing your own learning and growth. If you ever have a question, doubt, or clarification, just ask! Put your patient’s needs first, even when caring for difficult patients.

As a nurse it is important to report mistakes made, be proactive in fixing the issue and understand what led to the error in the first place. Continuous education, communication and risk management protocols are key to minimizing errors and enhancing patient outcomes. At Baton Rouge General we value our nurses and the important work they do to care for and keep our patients safe. If you are interested in a nursing career at BRG call or text 985-606-9061 to get in touch with one of our nurse recruiters.