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Improve Your Bedside Manner – 3 Quick Tips for Nurses

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  • Written By: Baton Rouge General
Improve Your Bedside Manner – 3 Quick Tips for Nurses

As a nurse you work hard to master a variety of technical tasks and treatments while in nursing school, but some skills like a good bedside manner are continuously developed throughout your career. We’ve put together three quick tips you can incorporate on your next shift to develop your bedside manner.

Always Communicate

Communication with your patients is key! And it’s not just the fact that you communicate, but how you communicate that matters. Effective communication begins with body language. Approach each patient with a body language that lets them know you are there for them. Use the AIDET® technique when speaking to your patients:

Acknowledge: Greet the patient by name. Make eye contact, smile, and acknowledge family or friends in the room.

Introduce: Introduce yourself with your name, skill set, professional certification, and experience.

Duration: Give an accurate time expectation for tests and physician arrival, and identify next steps. When this is not possible, give a time in which you will update the patient on progress.

Explanation: Explain step-by-step what to expect next, answer questions, and let the patient know how to contact you, such as a nurse call button.

Thank You: Thank the patient and/or family. You might express gratitude to them for choosing your hospital or for their communication and cooperation. Thank family members for being there to support the patient.

These tactics for effective communication ease patient anxiety, demonstrate compassion and concern for the patient, and ensure the patient views you and their healthcare providers as consistent and competent.

Actively Listen

Active listening is the conscious effort to hear, understand, and retain information that’s being told to you. At the bedside this skill is critical. When speaking with a patient always make eye contact. Allow the patient to speak and vent if needed. As their nurse and care provider recognize that their frustrations may not be directed at you, but that you are their sounding board and advocate. By actively listening to patient needs and concerns you can make them feel important and demonstrate empathy for their situation.

Pay Attention to Your Environment

Lastly, remember that a patient’s environment reflects your standard of care. Always keep your workspace and patient rooms tidy. Put your sharps in the sharps container, trash in the garbage, and remove IVF and tubing from the pump and the pole when medications are completed. A clean environment is a safe environment and shows you care as a nurse.

Good bedside manner can drastically improve patient satisfaction and experience. Being in the hospital is not typically a place someone chooses to be. By incorporating these tips into your bedside manner technique, you can make sure each patient has the best experience and receives the most competent care with you as their nurse.

At Baton Rouge General a positive patient experience and quality care is our top priority. If you are interested in bringing a positive patient experience to BRG call or text a recruiter today at (985) 606-9061 for current nursing opportunities.