Be Heart Smart During the Holidays

woman in santa hat

‘Tis the season for big family gatherings, holiday parties, too much food and too little exercise. It’s also the season that physicians see more heart attacks and strokes than any other time of year. Excitement, stress, alcohol, missed medications --- these can all increase the risk of cardiac events. In any case, there are steps you can take to stay heart healthy – even during the holidays!

Take Your Medicine
It can be stressful to travel, to stay with relatives, or to change your routine, but that’s what happens during the holidays. If you take medications, be sure to stick to your schedule as much as possible.

Make Smart Food Choices
Sometimes when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty. So drink plenty of water before heading to a holiday party. This will keep you hydrated and help curb your appetite. Survey the spread of food and make healthy choices. Wait 20 minutes before getting “seconds.” You may find that you’re already full.

Drink in Moderation
You’re probably going to eat and drink more than usual, but be especially careful about alcohol. It’s always best to drink in moderation.

Sneak in Some Exercise
Anyone can find 10 minutes to do some easy stretching at home, or step outside for a walk around the block. Anything to get your heart pumping is good for you!